International Commercial Policy

Year: 1st Semester, 2017

Instructor: Lee, Hyun-Hoon ( ÀÌÇöÈÆ)

Office: Global Business Hall # 612

Phone: 033-250-6186, 010-5371-6186,  Email:

Class A: Monday 13:30 - 14:45, Thursday 13:30-14:45, Business Bldg 1101

Evaluation: Mid-term exam (40%), Project (40%), Class participation (10%), Attendance (10%)

Course outline: This course will
 review the basics of international trade theory;
 review the basics of international trade policy; and
study recent issues in world trading system.

Various means of education will be utilized including the traditional in-class lectures, on-line lectures, group presentations, and lots of discussions. Only English will be used in class.

Take-home assignments:Will be explaiined in classl
1.Suggested topics:
(1) Some cases studies on trade policies
(2) U.S.-China's bilatera trade: trend and policy issues
(3) Digital trade: (Grace Okafor
(4) Trade Facilitation I :Ouline of Trade Facilitation Agreement, benefits,and challenges (Charma Chanchal)
(5) Trade Facilition II: Measurement and policy issues (Dung Ly)

(6) Asian economic integration
(7) World Trade Organization: New issues and challenges
(8) International trade policy issues of an individual country (or region)


(1) April 17 (Report on the team members and the chosen topic)
(2) April 27 (Mid-term exam): Review questions
(3) April 27, Instructions on presentations of the project reports
(4) May 1&4, Each team will present a summary of its research plan
(5) From May 8, 2-3 teams will present their reports in each class
List of presentations

  (1) Dominik Salvatore (2016), International Economics, 12th edition, Wiley.
Various online sources.

Topics to be covered:
  (1) Dominik Salvatore (2016), International Economics, 12th edition, Wiley.
Various online sources.

1.   Introduction
The Future of Global Trade (YouTube) 
Report: Summarize the main messages of the video (2 pages, font 12, single line, A4; Due Mar 20th)

2.   Comparative advantage and traditional trade theory
Report: Choose and summarize one important issue concerning current global trade and policies. (2 pages maximum, font 12, single line, A4; Due Mar 30th: 1:30pm)

3.   Economies of scale, imperfect competition, and new international trade theory

4.   Tariff versus non-tariff barriers
Nontariff barriers 

5.   WTO and multilateralism
WTO, What is the World Trade Organization?
WTO (2016), Understanding the WTO, World Trade Organization.
WTO, World Trade Report, World Trade Organization.
WTO, (2016), World Trade Statistical Review 2016, World Trade Organization.
WTO, (2016), Annual Report 2016, World TradeOrganization.

6.     Economic integration and regionalism
 Multilateralism vs. regionalism
 Trend and causes of regionalism
Regionalism: as stumbling block or a stepping stone?

7.     Global value chain and trade policies
-    Trend, causes and consequences of global value chains
-    WTO, " The rise of global value chains", World Trade Report 2014, pp. 78-127.
-    WTO, " Global value chains in a changing world", World Trade Report 2014, pp. 78-127.
-  OECD, ¡°Re-thinking upgrading: benefitting from participation in Global Value Chains¡±, October 2016, Trade Policy Note.
-  OECD, ¡°The participation of developing countries in Global Value Chains: Implications for trade and trade policy, April 2015, Trade Policy Note.
-  OECD, ¡°Trade policy implications of Global Value Chains¡±, Trade Policy Note.
-  Blanchard, E., C. Bown, and R. Johnson, (2016), ¡°Global Supply Chains and Trade Policy¡±, NBER Working Paper No. 21883.

8.  Global megatrends
-  Global megatrends

9.     Politics of commercial policy
-  The Economist, ¡± The president-elect¡¯s perilous trade policy¡±, The Economist, Jan 7th 2017
-  The Economist, ¡°Donald Trump¡¯s trade bluster¡±, Dec 10th 2016\


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